GX Flow Centers


The ultimate in geothermal system pumping efficiency. Proven and documented performance at Buffalo Geothermal’s Zeroplace Project


When properly installed, the GX flowcenters self-regulate, using the minimum power necessary for supplying the optimal flow rate to each running heat pump (regardless of size or proximity to flow center).


  • Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM) Variable Speed Pump Technology
  • Utilizes the State-of-the-Art WILO Stratos MAXO ECM Pumps
  • Lowest Energy Consumption per Ton of Heat Pump Capacity
  • “Pressurizable” Flow Center that operates with the reliability of a non-pressurized flowcenter
  • Air Separation Chamber
  • Sightglass to easily Fill & Maintain at proper level
  • 3 Year Limited Warranty
  • Accessories
    • GV Zone Manager (GVZM), a cost-effective way to further reduce energy consumption when no heat pumps are running.

GX Basic

Our “B” Series is a single pump that will circulate fluid through the heat pumps and through the loop field in series.

GX Dual

Our “D” Series operates like the Basic but with a second pump in parallel for extra flow and/or reliability.

GX Primary-Secondary

Our “P” series flow centers are designed for applications where it is advantageous to have 1 pump dedicated to loop field fluid circulation, and a 2nd pump dedicated to heat pump source side fluid circulation. When properly installed the Primary/Secondary is capable of dealing with high pressure drop systems while using the minimum power necessary for supplying the optimal flow to the loop field, & each running heat pump.

GX Dual-Primary/Secondary

Our “S” Series (“S” is for Spaceship) utilizes dual parallel flow on both the Primary (Loop Field) and the Secondary (Heat Pumps) and provides either 100% redundancy or extra flow for those large demanding projects. The following Table illustrates the features of each available model:

Additional information

Weight 285 lbs
Dimensions 48 × 48 in

GX6AEB-11, GX8AEB-22, GX6AED-22, GX6AHB-11, GX8AHB-22, GX6AHD-22, GX8BHB-22, GX8BHP-22, GX8BHD-22, GX8BHS-22, GX8CEB-22, GX8CEP-32, GX8CED-33, GX8CGB-22, GX8CGP-32, GX8CGD-33, GX8DHB-33, GX8DHD-44, GX8DHS-44


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